10 Reasons Why My Resume is Not Getting shortlisted

Once is fine, twice is ok but if it is happening thrice, then it can’t be a coincidence. Are you frustrated that after matching job requirements, why I am not getting calls from recruiters? Once is fine, twice is ok but if it is happening thrice, then it cants be a coincidence right? There is no coincidence that your resume is not able to create a powerful impression.

I understand it is a rough phase, we all have undergone this at some point in our career wondering “ why my resume is not getting shortlisted”, you are in right place.

10 Reasons Why My Resume is Not Getting Shortlisted


Here are some of the common reasons why your resume is not getting shortlisted.

According to chronology, it is a myth that education should come first. But place items that catch the attention of readers. the first pieces of information the reader sees are going to determine whether or not they keep reading. Begin your resume with the information that creates more impact.  A summary of your skills, achievements, or your work experience from a recent role could include the information that best aligns you with this new position.

  • If your resume is not ATS friendly

A lot of applicants flow for a job and to sort, and pick the best one most companies go for an Applicant tracking system (ATS). The applicant tracking system helps job recruiters to scan job applications, it is a software application that helps to sort applications based on certain criteria, such as keywords, skills, years of experience, education institutions, etc.

If your resume is found missing these keywords mentioned in the job description, then there are chances of your job application will go unrecognized.

So while applying for a job, read the description given by the company, analyze and understand, then draft your resume with the stated keywords to get noticed.

  • If your resume is beating around the bush

Recruiters want to quickly determine how suitable you are and what value you could add to their company and most aren’t prepared to dig six pages deep to find out. If you had a long and varied career, there is no need for you to mention all your jobs and detailed responsibilities if they are not relevant. Go for skills that are relevant to the job and list our relevant experiences and responsibilities. You can keep a separate section to list other job titles and dates.

  • If your resume is not matching the required experience level

The pandemic had an effect on the economy hence companies are looking for experienced candidates. If they are hiring new employees they are seeking experience. For freshers, the time is certainly very tough. Also, the current job market situation is quite stressful for any experienced professional who is willing to switch careers or a better opportunity. Therefore before applying for a job, ensure you have the required experience or skills that match the job requirements.

  • If your resume is full of spelling mistakes( spellcheck can also miss out)

Most of the time you might be wondering if I have structured my resume properly, but still not getting shortlisted. That is because recruiters are smart enough to figure out whether you have relied on spell check for grammatical errors. If the document is filled with errors, the recruiter might think that you are not sincere about the job. A word can be spelled correctly but spellcheck won’t pick up that it’s not the right word. Perfect examples: their/there, effect/affect, led/lead, loose/lose, and insure/ensure.

  • Ignoring grammatical errors

Your resume is your first impression to the recruiter, making it all the more important to proofread the document at least 2-3 times to ensure that the document is free of all errors and inconsistencies. Overlooking the correct placement of punctuation marks can be a costly mistake. Be mindful of the spaces between words, follow capitalization rules, and take care of question marks, and periods.

  • A generic resume

Your resume should be customized for the job you are applying for. Go through the job description, pick up the keywords, and include them while describing your expertise. If you miss out on the skills, and relevant experience, then you are missing out on creating a powerful impression.

  • If you have missed adding the address

When there are a lot of job applicants, companies try to sort out the job applications based on the location. If you have not included your address, then there are chances of your resume running out from the race. The best thing to do to avoid discrimination is to add something, like a town, city, or state, and leave out the physical street address.

  • If your online presence is missing

Nowadays, social media has its influence in all sectors. Being on professional platforms plays a crucial role not just for business but also for your branding. Depending on the role you are applying for, recruiters want to check your professional platforms like Linkedin, Twitter, GitHub, etc.

If it is difficult to search your profile on a professional platform, then there is a fair chance of you missing a callback from the companies. So, get a clear understanding of the role when you’re applying and make appropriate changes to your social media accounts. You can add your social media profiles to your resume.

  • Using cliches

Drafting the best resume seems to be difficult, but adding skills that prove you to be an asset to the company and unique from other applicants can be challenging.  While being results-driven, hard-working, a team player and an excellent communicator are all fantastic qualities, most CVs turn out these similar skill sets. Include your accomplishments and objectives that match your aspirations. Add your accomplishments, because recruiters are not just interested to know your roles, they want to see your growth trajectory.

  • Having gaps in employment history

Career breaks and gaps are one of important aspects of resumes getting rejected. Especially with this covid ridden situation, companies prefer hiring experienced candidates. In the case of freshers, having an academic gap is also a major drawback. If you have one, ensure you have a valid reason for it. With a proper and valid explanation supporting the gap, there are chances that the recruiter may not reject it right away. Before sending your resume, check the information provided in the resume regarding your education and work experience. The smallest of inconsistencies can make recruiters lose interest in your job application. Ensure you will not hide any information on frequent job changes, career breaks, or gaps. You can mention the reason for taking a break with a timeline if required.

  • Inaccurate details

If your resume contains any false information related to experience or accomplishments, there is a high chance of your resume getting rejected. Recruiters have a profound idea of job roles and skills for which they can easily identify loopholes. hence providing inaccurate details regarding jobs or academics can become a hurdle for you. Stay true to the right information and describe it compactly by complying with the ATS rules.

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