How to work in Canada without work permit

Canada offers various opportunities for foreigners to build a career and set up their life. Canada is a land of dreams, opportunities, beautiful scenes, education, and medical facilities. If you wish to start your career or take the next move in your career, Canada is the best option. The Canadian government encourages immigrants to start a new life in Canada. The Canadian embassy’s immigration policies encourage foreigners to immigrate to Canada easily.

There are different work permits like provincial nomination programs, express entry systems, open work permits, etc. If you wish to move to Canada, you require legal authorization to engage in employment and receive compensation and benefits.

If I say you can work without a work permit, you might be surprised. Yes, you can engage in employment in Canada without a work permit in certain circumstances. Here is everything you need to know about working in Canada without a work permit.


Different jobs that DO NOT require a work permit

Here is a list of jobs that do not require a work permit for foreign nationals to engage in employment in Canada. If the job is in the below list that doesn’t mean you are excluded from the work permit. The aspirants have to meet additional requirements suggested by the International mobility program.

  • Coach or Athlete

If you are an athlete on a foreign team and competing in Canada, there is no need for a work permit for you.  This provision covers athletes, coaches, and other members of foreign teams. Only athletes and coaches of Canadian team requires a work permit.

  • Investigator of aviation accidents or incidents

If you are a foreigner and land in Canada to investigate aviation accidents or incidents, then you are excluded from a work permit. The exemption will be granted only if your investigation comes under Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act.

  • Clergy

If you are a foreign national who is an ordained minister, a layperson, or a member of a religious order, you may qualify for a work permit exemption to undertake religious work in Canada. Your duties in Canada may include the following: preaching doctrine, leading worship, and/or giving spiritual counseling.

  • Visitor

If you are visiting Canada to undertake business activities without entering the Canadian labor market, then you are exempted from a work permit. To qualify for the criteria of a business visitor, you need to understand the difference between a business person and a business visitor.

  • Civil aviation Inspector

If you are responsible for flight operations and cabin safety of International flights, you will be exempted from a work permit.

  • Public speaker

If you are a guest speaker or a senior leader visiting Canada for the workshop, then you are exempted from a work permit. Speakers will be eligible for exemption only if their event lasts for less than 5 days.

  • Students working on-campus and off campus

International full-time students working off campus during their studies don’t require a work permit. Full-time international students can work 20 hours per week during their college days and work full-time during academic holidays.

  • News reporter

A foreign national working in Canada as a news reporter or on a film crew will get an exemption from a work permit. In that case, you will have to meet the following certain criteria:

  • You will have to be a news reporter or crew of news reporter
  • You must be a member of a film or media crew who will not enter the Canadian labor market.
  • You must be a journalist who works for a print, radio, television or web-based publication which is not Canadian.
  • You must be a manager of the event for less than 6 months

International mobility program

Foreign nationals can enter Canada without a work permit through the International mobility program. Here is how it works.

  • While entering Canada all the aspirants have to mention the purpose of visit to a primary inspection line (PIL), at a primary inspection kiosk (PIK), or to a border services officer.
  • If a border service officer finds that a foreign national is having work permit exempt, then they are requested to document the foreign national’s entry by the issuance of a visitor record.
  • Service Canada will issue a social insurance number to the visitor and it is recorded.
  • In GCMS, under the “user remarks” field the following details are mentioned, and these details are printed on the visitor record:
  • Work permit exempt as [job title] and one of the following remarks:
  • For work permit exemptions under R186:
    • “Work permit exempt, per section R186”, officers may add a subsection, for example, subsection R186(s)
  • For work permit exemptions under the Global Skills Strategy:
    • “120-days short-term work permit exemption – Public policy”
    • “30-day short-term work permit exemption – Public policy”
    • “15-day short-term work permit exemption – Public policy”


Extension of stay without a work permit

Foreign nationals working in Canada temporarily under R186 can extend their status as temporary residents of Canada by submitting an application online. Aspirants are required to submit an Application to Change Conditions, Extend their Stay or Remain in Canada as a Visitor or Temporary Resident Permit Holder. The residents have to submit an application via electronics to extend their stay before their current status expires under R181. The Canadian government will make a decision according to R183(5) and the decision is made on your request to extend your work permit.

If you have entered Canada as a business visitor or public speaker and wish to extend your stay without a work permit, you need to submit an application as per R199. Then your application will be reviewed under R186 and processed further.

To maintain national integrity, certain conditions are imposed on those who are working in Canada without a work permit.  The conditions are imposed:

  • by the employer at the time of employment offer
  • by the Canadian government as per the work permit

The conditions are imposed on the worker as per location and occupation.

The validity of a stay without a work permit depends on the request given at the time of application.


Spouses or common-law partners of work permit exempt foreign nationals


Spouses or common-law partners of foreign nationals who have work permit exemption can have an open work permit if they meet the following requirements:

  • The dependent partner is working under a work permit exemption as per R186
  • If they can present proof that they will be working for at least 6 months post partners open work permit approval.
  • The partner is employed as per National occupation classification skill type 0 or A or B (management level).
  •  The foreign national is physically residing in Canada or working in Canada.


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